Search Smarter Not Harder to Find a Job in Singapore

We have all heard the saying, "work to live, don't live to work," but may not have considered what this phrase really means for us on a personal level. It is true that everyone needs to work in order to have a roof over your head and food on the table. That has been a universal truth throughout history. What is new is how we go about looking for a job. Here are some basic guidelines to help you:

Understanding Your Skill set

One of the keys to having a fulfilling work life is to understand who you are. That may sound oversimplified, but it makes good sense if you think about it. People are slowly changing throughout the years, and personal needs are changing. Taking the time to do a little self inventory will help you to get to the essence of who you are. Start by answering questions like: What activities make me truly happy? What tasks am I good at? What kind of personality and thought patterns do I possess? Knowing the current answers to these questions will help you to find a job by enabling you to make good choices when it comes to the type of work and the type of company you would like to be employed by.

Finding an Opening Nearby

Now that you know what kind of office job you want, it is time to start reviewing the prospects. Unless you are also looking to relocate, it is in your best interest to check out the companies in your area first. If you want a shorter commute, keep your eyes open when driving to and from the store for example. Make a note of which stores are hiring, and take down the information if it is in your desired field of work.

Putting in an Application

 You have found a part time job that matches your skill set and is located nearby. What is next? Obviously, it is time to put in an application. It does not hurt to do a little homework first. In fact, having a resume that accurately represents your skills and strengths will only get better if you can tailor it to the job description. Once you have done some research on the company in question, be sure to include this new knowledge when tailoring your resume. Keep what you learn about the company in mind, as it will be an asset when you get to the interview stage.

Using the Internet to Maximize Your Search

These days, many people look to the internet to find work. With all the employment services available online, you can maximize your search results by using the right website. Do not be afraid to browse more than one resource, though it does save time to keep your search parameters within the area you would like to be in.

About is a website devoted to helping employers and employees meet their needs. As a recruitment service, they are the premier services for people trying to find a job in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia.